The Third Wife: A Novel, by Lisa Jewell
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The Third Wife: A Novel, by Lisa Jewell

Best Ebook PDF Online The Third Wife: A Novel, by Lisa Jewell
Fans of Liane Moriarty and Jojo Moyes will be captivated by this riveting family drama with a dark mystery at its core, from the New York Times bestselling author of The House We Grew Up In.In the early hours of a summer morning, a young woman steps into the path of an oncoming bus. A tragic accident? Or suicide? At the center of this puzzle is Adrian Wolfe, a successful architect and grief-stricken widower, who, a year after his third wife’s death, begins to investigate the cause. As Adrian looks back on their brief but seemingly happy marriage, disturbing secrets begin to surface. The divorces from his two previous wives had been amicable, or so it seemed; his children, all five of them, were resilient as ever, or so he thought. But something, or someone, must have pushed Maya over the edge. “Jewell’s last few novels have been a revelation—emotionally sophisticated and complex,” says Kirkus Reviews. “Like Liane Moriarty, she manages the perfect blend of women’s fiction and nail-biting suspense,” hails Booklist. The Third Wife is “an emotionally intelligent, brilliantly plotted, and beautifully written examination of a very modern family that will keep you gripped to the end” (London Daily Mail).
The Third Wife: A Novel, by Lisa Jewell - Amazon Sales Rank: #5939 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-06-09
- Released on: 2015-06-09
- Format: Kindle eBook
The Third Wife: A Novel, by Lisa Jewell Review Praise for The Third Wife: “Lisa Jewell presents us with yet another emotionally intelligent, brilliantly plotted and beautifully written examination of a very modern family that will keep you gripped to the end.... Take this to the beach, or indeed anywhere — I promise you won’t regret it.” (Daily Mail (London))“Jewell's last few novels have been a revelation—emotionally sophisticated and complex—and this latest, which gradually rewrites the history of a 'perfect' family, is a fine follow-up.... Taut pacing and complicated characters shape this rich examination of the modern family.” (Kirkus Reviews)“Jewell excels at juggling multiple perspectives to slowly peel back the layers of supposed domestic bliss. Like Liane Moriarty, she manages the perfect blend of women’s fiction and nail-biting suspense, throwing enough red herrings in the reader’s path to keep the pages turning.” (Booklist)“A great choice for readers seeking a mystery with a blended family twist.” (Library Journal)“...reminded us of Liane Moriarty's Big Little Lies.” (Ft. Worth Star-Telegram)“The Third Wife is a summer gem. The story is complex… the many characters well drawn.... Readers of Donna Tartt and Tana French will recognize Jewell’s pacing for what it is: essential.” (NY Journal of Books)"The Third Wife explores complicated family dynamics in a genuine way that is witty yet realistically nuanced." (Shelf Awareness)Praise for The House We Grew Up In “Clever, intelligent, and believable on a subject few of us really understand. Lorrie is one of the most vivid—and complex—characters I've read in years. Wonderful.” (Jojo Moyes, author of Me Before You)“You'll be desperate to find out what messed this family up so badly.” (Sophie Kinsella, author of Shopaholic to the Stars)“...prose so beautiful that it glitters on the page. Lisa Jewell lays down piece after piece of mosaic, revealing the heart of the Bird family, filled in equal measure with love and loss. Unforgettable.” (Jo-Ann Mapson, author of Solomon’s Oak, Finding Casey, and Owen’s Daughter)“A gorgeous, powerful, affecting tale of a family both ordinary and extraordinary. Lisa Jewell is a wonderful storyteller, and The House We Grew Up In grips you from the first page to the last. I'm afraid to say it made me neglect both my children and my husband. The Bird family might be dysfunctional, but I was strangely sorry to leave it.” (Anna Maxted, author of Getting Over It and Running In Heels)“Jewell cleverly frames the destruction of the Bird family ….an absolute page-turner.” (Booklist)
About the Author Lisa Jewell was born and raised in north London, where she lives with her husband and two daughters. She is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA TODAY bestselling author of twelve novels, including The House We Grew Up In and The Third Wife. To find out more, visit, or follow her on Twitter @LisaJewellUK.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. The Third Wife 1 April 2011 They might have been fireworks, the splashes, bursts, storms of color that exploded in front of her eyes. They might have been the northern lights, her own personal aurora borealis. But they weren’t, they were just neon lights and streetlights rendered blurred and prismatic by vodka. Maya blinked, trying to dislodge the colors from her field of vision. But they were stuck, as though someone had been scribbling on her eyeballs. She closed her eyes for a moment, but without vision, her balance went and she could feel herself begin to sway. She grabbed something. She did not realize until the sharp bark and shrug that accompanied her action that it was a human being. “Shit,” Maya said, “I’m really sorry.” The person tutted and backed away from her. “Don’t worry about it.” Maya took exaggerated offense to the person’s lack of kindness. “Jesus,” she said to the outline of the person, whose gender she had failed to ascertain. “What’s your problem?” “Er,” said the person, looking Maya up and down, “I think you’ll find you’re the one with the problem.” Then the person, a woman, yes, in red shoes, tutted again and walked away, her heels issuing a mocking clack-clack against the pavement as she went. Maya watched her blurred figure recede. She found a lamppost and leaned against it, looking into the oncoming traffic. The headlights turned into more fireworks. Or one of those toys she’d had as a child: tube, full of colored beads, you shook it, looked through the hole, lovely patterns—what was it called? She couldn’t remember. Whatever. She didn’t know anymore. She didn’t know what time it was. She didn’t know where she was. Adrian had called. She’d spoken to him. Tried to sound sober. He’d asked her if she needed him to come and get her. She couldn’t remember what she’d said. Or how long ago that had been. Lovely Adrian. So lovely. She couldn’t go home. Go home and do what she needed to do. He was too nice. She remembered the pub. She’d talked to that woman. Promised her she was going home. That was hours ago. Where had she been since then? Walking. Sitting somewhere, on a bench, with a bottle of vodka, talking to strangers. Hahaha! That bit had been fun. Those people had been fun. They’d said she could come back with them, to their flat, have a party. She’d been tempted, but she was glad now, glad she’d said no. She closed her eyes, gripped the lamppost tighter as she felt her balance slip away from her. She smiled to herself. This was nice. This was nice. All this color and darkness and noise and all these fascinating people. She should do this more often, she really should. Get out of it. Live a little. Go a bit nuts. A group of women were walking towards her. She stared at them greedily. She could see each woman in triplicate. They were all so young, so pretty. She closed her eyes again as they passed by, her senses unable to contain their images any longer. Once they’d passed she opened her eyes. She saw a bus bearing down, bouncy and keen. She squinted into the white light on the front, looking for a number. It slowed as it neared her and she turned and saw that there was a bus stop to her left, with people standing at it. Dear Bitch. Why can’t you just disappear? The words passed through her mind, clear and concise in their meaning, like a sober person leading her home. And then those other words, the words from earlier. I hate her too. She took a step forward.

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Most helpful customer reviews
8 of 8 people found the following review helpful. Couldn't relate to it By Cinderel I love Lisa Jewell. She is one of the few authors whose books I always read and can't wait the next one. However, I could not like this one. I was simply not able to relate to any of the characters or the story itself. Lisa Jewell writes very well, I would read it even if she listed the telephone directory, so I read The Third Wife till the end, but I didn't like the plot. She says herself that she could not talk about it to anyone because nobody seemed to get it so she gave up discussing the idea of this book after a while. I suppose she had this story inside her and wanted it to get a life of its own. She has already given us such fine books that I think she has every right to talk about a topic which might be very important for her even if some readers like me won't enjoy it as much as her previous works. After all it might be only me and other readers might find it an absorbing plot and set of characters.
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Good premise but a little lackluster in the execution By Laurie@The Baking Bookworm My Review: I absolutely adored Jewell's previous book, The House We Grew Up In so I was more than a little eager to read and review her latest book, The Third Wife. In this book Jewell takes on a mystery and the issues of multiple/extended families.In her previous books, Jewell was able to hook me from the beginning with her characters and her writing style. Unfortunately with this book I struggled to connect with Adrian or any of the other characters and there seemed to lack energy in the overall story line. The mystery surrounding his third wife, Maya's death initially was quite interesting and I was eager to find out what had happened to her and who was stalking Adrian but in the end the result was lackluster.Then there's the patriarch Adrian. Oh Adrian. He's a nice guy. He has good relationships with his ex-wives. His life seems pretty awesome from the outside but the problem is ... Adrian. Unfortunately I found that fifty year old Adrian came off as silly and immature with his head in the clouds when it came to how his decisions affected his marriage/former marriages and his children. It didn't help that his ex-wives, whom I wish had more page time, seemed to indulge his actions. The Third Wife essentially is Adrian's late in life coming of age story.This book focuses on the very complicated issue of family. It was inspiring to read about a multiple divorce family getting along so well without the nastiness between the ex-wives but overall I felt a little let down with this latest book by Jewell.My Rating: 3/5 stars**This book review can also be found on my blog, The Baking Bookworm ( where I share hundreds of book reviews and my favourite recipes. **
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Nothing Amazing By Kindle Customer BIG TIME SPOILERS HERE READERS.Many thanks to NetGalley and publisher for advancing me a free copy of “The Third Wife” by Lisa Jewell in exchange for an honest review.Talk about a novel that went on a bit too much only to become so boring and mundane. A novel with the most boring characters, none of whom I liked very much. Intriguing story? Yes. However, poorly executed.The story orbits around one man, Adrian; a man who’s never been alone once in his entire adult life; a man who comes to the realization that he doesn’t know how to live life all alone, until his third wife passes on. Adrian’s been married three times and has five children, two from his first and three from his second. He married wife number one, Susie; left her for wife number two, Caroline; and left her for wife number three, Maya, the youngest of them all. Throughout it all, Adrian has been very happy and figures if he’s so happy, his ex-wives and children are as well. Well they must be as the wives and children all get along, the children so friendly with the wives they’re often at any one of the homes, they celebrate birthdays together, and they always take vacations together, everyone having a grand ole’ time. Life couldn’t be any better for Adrian except for having a baby with Maya. That is until Maya is killed by a bus. Questions arise. Was she killed? Was it suicide? Or was it an Accident? Trying to find the answers, real feelings, truths and admissions start to surface from within his huge happy family, in particular from his children. What I found most interesting about Adrian was that in addition to being so happy, he didn’t think he had any flaws. However, when it came to his children all he could see were the many flaws each child had, and can’t understand why. He also misleads his third wife telling her how much he hated the houses he left to his ex’s, how cold and soulless they each were; how his ex’s ignored the children for their own selfish reasons, etc. When in fact the opposite was the truth.- Luke talking with his father:““Remembering things is not the same as caring about them.“Of course I care! How can you suggest I don’t? All I bloody do is care!”Luke sighed and his cheeks twitched and hollowed as he considered his next point. “No. You don’t. If you cared you’d notice that Cat is stress-eating because she’s so unhappy. You’d notice that Pearl has no life and no friends and everyone thinks she’s weird. You’d notice that Otis is miserable and retreating into himself. You’d notice that I-” He stopped.“Kids are kids. They go through phases. Moods. It’s normal.”“There is nothing normal about our family, dad. I mean, what were you thinking? How did you think it was going to be OK just to keep building families and then leaving them?””Adrian is the epitome of being one selfish, self-obsessed, and loquacious bastard. Always thinking the grass is greener on the other side. Never once reflecting how his actions may affect his ex-wives and children. Now alone and watching his ex-wives move on with their life with their careers and new companions, self-realizations being to occur.“They had all belonged to him once; the houses, the wives, the children. And yet now he had nothing. A crap flat, a weird cat, a stranger’s phone. For nearly five decades he had lived with an unshakeable belief in the decisions he made. Every morning for forty-eight years he had woken up and thought: I am where I want to be right now. And now he was not. He did not want to be in this flat, with his cat and this phone and this feeling of cold dread. He’d made a bad choice somewhere along the line but he didn’t know where.”Wanting the best of both worlds, he has his new younger wife, and his children he sees on the days he’s scheduled to be with them that conveniently live with his ex. He thinks he’s a great father, yet leaves all the responsibilities of raising them to his ex’s, and ignores the fall-out and problems that arise from his actions. So narcissistic is Adrian, he feels that he can’t help it if all women find him desirable. Unbelievable!I honestly didn’t like any of the characters, and it goes without saying that I hated Adrian the most. That being said, he was he most well-developed character and for this I applaud the author when it came to wielding such a selfish, arrogant, and ignorant husband/father.In the end, the novel was bland and predictable. And the whole mystery regarding his third wife’s death, a complete letdown. But what galled me the most is the HEA Adrian ends up with. Yes, it seems one of his ex’s took him back. I actually thought he deserved to be all alone. But hey, that’s me.
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The Third Wife: A Novel, by Lisa Jewell
The Third Wife: A Novel, by Lisa Jewell